Note: Still sending this out for FREE because I’m addicted to writing! But make sure to subscribe if you actually want to get this 5x per week :)
Hey you.
I told you I was just going to skip all the nonsense and give it to you straight.
So here goes.
How I got “rich”, and how I plan to get much richer.
1) My own businesses
2) Bitcoin
3) Gold
Now, for those of you reading this who don’t know me very well.
I’m a millionaire, okay? Big deal.
Taylor and I’s businesses have generated well over 40M+ to date with much more coming.
That’s just revenue ^^ so don’t freak out.
But i’m not writing this as some broke guy who doesn’t “put his money where his mouth is”, okay?
Now that the bragging is out of the way.
Why those 3 things above? Aren’t there like “7,000 easy ways to make money online?”
1) Your own business
This is far and away the ONLY realistic option for MOST people to become wealthy.
— According to a survey by Best Wallet Hacks, the top 10% of U.S. income earners are gaining wealth from business, farm and/or self-employment income. Half of their income comes from wages through business, and the other half comes from interest, dividends and capital gains. Those numbers have not changed much since 1989.
What does that mean, in easier language?
It means that rich people start businesses, and then invest the returns.
I think we all intuitively know this right?
Think about the richest person you know.
Seriously stop and think about it.
What do they do for a living?
The majority of you will answer “they own a business”.
Other than that it will be an extremely specialized field
I’m not sure about you, but I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE that becoming a pro athlete is very difficult (I played D1 bbal).
So, for MOST OF US, there’s only 1 avenue, and that’s starting a biz.
I like to think of it this way…
Imagine two paths.
There’s a giant boulder in the way on both paths. & there’s a giant pot of gold as a reward if you can move the boulder down the path.
Boulder is the same size, same weight on both paths.
Option A) You can personally work 8 hours a day to roll that bad boy down the path. You will make more progress initially and there is zero risk involved. You just show up and push that bad boy every day.
Option B) You can leave the rock for 6mths -> 1 year, and go build an advanced robot (or just rally a strong team) to push that rock for you. You return, eat cheetos, and watch your team shove that rock along at warp speed.
Obviously, option B is the business option.
It does run the risk of you never returning to that boulder.
You may get stuck in “startup town” and never get the chance to accelerate that boulder down the path fast.
Because if you push that boulder far enough, there’s a literal pot of gold waiting at the end.
Entrepreneurs simply find the most efficient way to push that boulder.
Okay okay okay YOU GET IT ALREADY
“start a biz”
but then what?
Now don’t roll your eyes.
Don’t say “oh I know about this” and gloss over this part.
I will be writing extensively about this topic in future letters so no need to get into the “weeds” here…
But I can explain this really fast.
Remember those stimulus checks, sent out earlier this year?
Stop and ask yourself, “Where did that money come from”?
If your answer was “the government” DING DING DING, you are correct!
However, the problem is (and this is very nuanced I can explain more later) is that that money was PRINTED literally OUT OF THIN AIR.
Now what happens when THAT happens?
It’s simple.
Your $$$$ get DE-VALUED.
If me and you were playing monopoly.
And I kept taking more money from the bank when you weren’t looking.
I would be de-valuing your $$, relative to my $$, right?
That’s exactly what is happening right now, on a GLOBAL scale.
I will go into all the arguments later as to why this is true, but basically Bitcoin HEDGES against all of that.
It just means that IF (and it’s not really an IF at this point trust me) governments around the world keep printing money…
The price of Bitcoin will keep skyrocketing.
It really is as simple as that. Why keep your money in $$$, where it will get devalued, when you can keep it in Bitcoin, and watch the value of that money go UP (exponentially most likely).
#3 = GOLD
Gold is great for all the same reasons as Bitcoin.
It’s scarce.
You can’t print more of it (for the most part).
And it’s ALWAYS been used as a hedge against governments going wacko with the money printing press.
It’s basically a safe way to store your wealth so that the gov doesn’t devalue it.
Bitcoin is “digital gold” though, so I personally believe it is MUCH more valuable.
But for you conservative folks out there, Gold will also likely outperform everything else other than Bitcoin and your own BIZ for the 2020s.
FIRE YOUR MOM (if she tells you to hide your money under your mattress)
And simply do the 3 things above.
It’s what I’ve done, and it works.
See you in the next one.
p.s. if you enjoyed this, do me ONE favor. SHARE IT WITH SOMEONE WHO IT WILL HELP. Love you
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