The Kale Letter
The Kale Letter
Knowledge IS Power
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -4:51

Knowledge IS Power

All advice is not created equal.

Hey you beautiful human you.

I keep having this recurring daydream….

I dream about what I would do if I woke up one week before Covid hit… with ALL of my knowledge from right now….

It’s a strange fantasy where I SHORT the stock market on the perfect day before it crashes, and then immediately dump ALL of those winnings into Tesla or Bitcoin and become a Billionaire in a matter of months… :-)

For some reason it’s so fun for me to think about…

But then I realized something PROFOUND….

Life is actually kind of like that dream scenario.

Sure, we can’t know the future.

But I think we can all agree that certain DECISIONS hold MUCH MORE WEIGHT than others, no?

I mean it’s not even debate-able at this point…

If you would have made a simple decision to invest in Tesla or Bitcoin back in March 2020, you would be quite wealthy right now.

That one decision would have probably had more weight than everything else you did in 2020, right?

Let me prove it to you.

Let’s say you had 100k to invest.

Bitcoin briefly hit $4,000 in March 2020.

If you would have dumped ALL of it into Bitcoin, you’d have 25 Bitcoin.

Today, with Bitcoin at $54,000, you would have $1,350,000.

Be honest, would you have actually made $1,350,000 in 2020 in any other way, no matter how hard you tried?

For most people, the answer would be no.

Obviously, I’m not trying to shame anyone for not jumping in Bitcoin at 4k.

Honestly, I wish I would have jumped in 10 years ago when it was like 1 cent! Haha.

What I’m trying to illustrate is what I KEEP SAYING in this letter OVER AND OVER, that life is governed by the power rule, 1% of your decisions result in 99% of your important outcomes.

And today, I want you to think about this in terms of acquiring KNOWLEDGE that allows you to make 1% decisions MORE OFTEN.

If we can agree on these two things.

1) Not all decisions are created equal

2) Certain people PUSH us to make better decisions….

It only follows that one of the most PRODUCTIVE things we can do, is seek WISE COUNSEL from other people.

Proverbs 12:15 ESV /

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.

This week, my business partner Taylor and I paid someone $25,000 for 4 hours of their time.

Now, you may think that that is crazy, a waste of money, simply from the price tag.

But I want to tell you something really important.

99% of my success in life is the result of .001% of interactions that allowed me to see the world in a certain way and make better decisions.

Obviously I haven’t “made it” or anywhere close.

But I think people more successful than me would agree that ONE precious piece of advice is worth many millions of dollars, LITERALLY.

There have been numerous examples for me where this is the case, that have generated multi-millions in sales…

  • Specific Guidance on the format of Video Advertising (Attention Grabber, Hook, Breaking Down False Beliefs, Call to Action)

  • Literally ONE element of ONE webpage (it’s honestly so powerful and patented that I can’t give any more detail than that haha)

  • ONE livestream launching ONE recurring revenue product

I could list out 20 more but you get the idea.

Had these people not been in my life, and given me the IDEAS, everything would be different.

So, to summarize, here’s what I would suggest if you want to be the most successful, the fastest.

1) Admit that you don’t know everything. Assume you know nothing, actually.

2) Find the person who is the BEST at what they do. You are not looking for the 99%, you are looking for the 1%.

3) Find a way to learn from that person. Pay up if you have to. But actually learn. Take notes.

4) Actually IMPLEMENT what you learn. Unfortunately, money doesn’t grow on trees and great ideas are just ideas until you implement them.


I hope this helped a few of you, I know it’s probably advice you’ve heard before “get a mentor” blah blah blah…

But I think the key here is understanding that not all mentors are created equal, and neither is all advice.

I know too many people who are beating themselves up, working their butts off, trying to do things that they have no business doing.

That’s great, I admire the hustle.

But I’d encourage you to get actionable advice from someone who’s done it before, it’s insanely valuable, kind of like seeing into the future, or going back in time armed with the knowledge of the future….


p.s. if I’ve helped YOU in any way, maybe I’m some of that “wise counsel?” :-) if so, and you aren’t already, consider trying out my 30 day trial of this letter, it’s 100% free and no risk to you.

Also share this.

Love ya.

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