Hey everyone!
Different type of letter today, I don’t normally do this, but I want to bring something to your attention.
*I’m not getting paid for this in any way btw*
I recently got introduced to the founder of this new social media app, Faves.
His name is Tyler Maloney and he’s raised money from Mark Cuban and Pear VC (who gave DoorDash their first check), among others.
Now I know, I know, there’s always another “App…”
I’m usually the slowest to pick these up as well… (I still don’t know why people like Tic Tok lol)
But Faves caught my eye for a couple key reasons.
Tyler is a beast. It’s all about the founders with these things and he’s kind of got that Zuckerberg look if you know what I mean.
The content is CURATED and covers ALL platforms.
I’m going to type this bigger so you can read it.
The content is CURATED and covers ALL platforms.
Why do you guys read this letter?
Because it is CURATED by someone you trust (hopefully) me.
Now, imagine that you could see ALL content that I think is interesting, from ALL platforms…. in one place…
Tic Toc (If I can figure it out)
It allows you to follow PEOPLE YOU TRUST (not just me, much smarter people even) and see ALL of the content that they think is interesting, in ONE PLACE.
It’s honestly pretty sick.
The second you see a tweet that makes you go “wow” and then scroll down and see a FULL SCREEN TIC TOK that ALSO makes you go “wow” without leaving the app…. you will understand the power of it….
Anyway, long story short, I think this is going to be HUGE and actually has a chance to go after the big dogs in the social media space.
Tyler has actually been kind enough to grant me a limited number of invites to Faves, so that a few of my readers can get early access to the platform (and secure all the best user names… I literally got KALE as my user tag haha!)
Just click the image below to sign up and get early access!
Here’s the direct link if that doesn’t work -> https://faves.media/earlyaccess
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for today, make sure you go sign up.
Again, I’m not making any money from this, I just think it’s cool, and I think you will like it.
Plus, with all the craziness in “Big Tech” happening right now, I think it would be nice of us to support Tyler as a founder and see if we can make this Faves thing awesome, together.
If you get in, and have feedback about the app, make sure you let me know and I’ll pass the word onto Tyler.
The cool thing about a startup like this is that you can actually make changes…..
Here’s to being one of the first users on the NEXT Facebook/Twitter.
Have a great day, here’s the link one more time -> faves.media/earlyaccess
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