Open this if you want super powers……
Hey everyone!
I was sitting here this morning trying to figure out what to write to you all.
I honestly want to help you every day, and sometimes it’s hard to think of what will have the most impact.
So, I was literally just asking myself, what is the biggest difference between myself and some of my “less successful” peers?
Again, I’m not saying that I’ve made it, far from it.
But there is one SUPERPOWER that I think that I have, that most people don’t.
If this helps you, let me know in the comments and share this with someone please! :)
It all stems from this very famous quote…
Dang, it that’s not profound, I don’t know what is.
Let’s break down this very simple quote real quick, because it really is quite powerful.
It has 2 elements
I truly believe conviction is a super power. That’s what John Gruber means with this quote.
There are ideas that are weak, right?
We’ve all heard that person that “wants to start a business” and “has an idea” but never actually does anything.
That’s a WEAK idea.
It lacks the conviction necessary to succeed.
And then, on the other end of the spectrum, you have dude’s like Thomas Edison.
Tried 5 bazillion times to make a lightbulb, failed every time.
But, he never lost conviction, and you’re literally reading this right now because of him.
I rarely see people with conviction anymore, and it’s sad.
As a society, we’ve all failed so many times that it’s strange now to bring up dreams….
It’s “weird” to talk about a better future, and the outlandish goals you have for yourself and your family…
So instead, we gossip, or we talk about sports…
My challenge to you today is to have some CONVICTION.
Believe in something SO DEEPLY that it SPURS YOU to action.
Real quick cheat sheet for developing conviction, okay?
A) Do your RESEARCH.
B) That’s it.
Ha! I know that may have seemed anti-climactic but it isn’t.
Ever shopped for something online?
Something you REALLY cared about?
How many reviews did you read before you purchased? 1?
If you’re like me, you probably read more like 100…
And watched every YouTube video about it…
And called the manufacturer to see if they were legit…
That’s doing your research.
And guess what, when you receive that item and it meets your expectations?
You have CONVICTION about that purchase. About that company.
You KNOW you did the right thing, and nothing can sway you.
If I were you and I was starting a business, or making an investment, I would DO THE RESEARCH.
That’s what separates the people that “try” from the people that “win”.
For instance, my students who KNOW Amazon is the best way to start a business online don’t fade away when things get tough. They have CONVICTION to keep going because they’ve done their research.
This might be even more important.
The smartest people in the World are not the one’s with the PHD’s.
They are the ones who have (very publicly) CHANGED THEIR MINDS on important issues.
The ability to PIVOT, to go a different direction, may be the single most important characteristic for success in ANYTHING in life.
I cannot fully describe to you in this format how many THOUSANDS of times I had to pivot and change direction in order to become “successful” and own multiple 8-figure companies.
It’s almost ridiculous.
People think the path to success is a straight line, it’s absolutely, unequivocally, NOT.
You MUST be able to change your mind, and change it QUICKLY, to survive.
I like to think of business like this…
Imagine you are a caveman…
You hear a rumbling outside..
That doesn’t sound good, at all…
Could be a bear, could be a tiger, who knows….
So, you inch towards the cave opening, spear in hand….
Unfortunately, it’s worse than you think.
It’s not one lion.
It’s a pack of 12…
And they are circling….
What do you do?
Do you charge in like a madman? One last stand?
Of course not…
You silently retreat into the cave and find your sling…
You return to the mouth of the cave and fire bullets well over the lions heads…
The racket causes them to turn and investigate, and you slip off into the night….
See what the caveman did?
He pivoted.
He changed his mind.
It may sound ridiculous, but there are way too many entrepreneurs and PEOPLE running headlong into a pack of lions, simply because that was their original plan.
Screw the original plan.
Change it.
Make it better.
But again, I have ONE TIP for doing this well….
You all know I love Bitcoin right?
It would be super awkward for me to tell you that something changed about it, and you should sell it.
So, I am 100% ridiculously committed to my RESEARCH.
Yes, I have CONVICTION about Bitcoin’s attributes.
But should any of those attributes CHANGE?
I must get to the truth.
I must know.
Because if the truth has changed, I must pivot.
That’s all I’ve got for you today guys! I hope this helped.
Let me know if it did!
This letter is free for 30 days still! ->
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