It’s one of the most commonly searched phrases in the industry…
I mean it makes sense…
People want to KNOW!
Is is still a good opportunity to sell on Amazon FBA? Or are there way too many sellers involved to make any money?
I’m going to answer this in kind of a strange way.
I know you’re shocked by that… ;-)
OF COURSE I could give you all the stats…
How way more than 50% of everything sold on Amazon is sold by people like you and me.
How more NEW people are shopping on Amazon than ever before
And how Amazon is EXPANDING to every market in the WORLD.
But you know all of that.
(or at least you should)
But let’s flip this on it’s head…
It’s WAY too late.
You might as well quit now.
Amazon FBA = Saturated
Becoming a YouTuber = Saturated
Becoming an instagram influencer = Saturated
Opening up a Franchise restaurant = Saturated
I’m serious, just quit! Even big companies face this.
Online Search Engines (I.E. Google, Yahoo, Bing) = Saturated
Social Networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) = Saturated
Online selling platforms (Amazon, Ebay, FB Marketplace) = Saturated.
I’m dead serious. Anything worth doing, has ALREADY BEEN DONE, TENS OF THOUSANDS IF NOT MILLIONS OF TIMES!
Are you depressed yet? :)
I hope you can tell that I’m partially joking here.
I’m not joking that everything is saturated.
Of course it is.
Of course there are millions of sellers on Amazon -> people want to make money
Of course there are millions of Youtubers -> people want to be famous
Of course there are millions of franchises -> people want to make money (again).
Here are two things that NOBODY ELSE will TELL YOU because they are scared of that word “SATURATED”.
1) It’s a GOOD THING
2) It doesn’t FREAKING MATTER.
Let’s break it down.
Why is it a GOOD THING that Amazon is saturated?
I’m just going to use Amazon FBA as the example for the rest of this article.
It’s good because if there weren’t thousands if not MILLIONS of people trying to sell on Amazon..
Why would you WANT to sell in an “un-saturated” marketplace, anyway?
Are you really going to assume that you are going to somehow “stumble upon” something as globally world-changing as Amazon, and that you will be the only person who has heard of it?
Some people really think this, it’s crazy!
They think there’s another Amazon lurking out there.
Just waiting for them to pounce on it’s unsaturated GLORY!
There is only one Amazon, and everyone wants to sell on it!!!
THAT is why it’s a good thing.
The REASON everyone wants to sell on it is because EVERYONE wants to BUY on it!
Our whole lives we’ve been trained the wrong way…
Participation trophies…
“you did your best that’s all that matters”…
This is not a cookie baking contest between happy moms.
This is global world dominance in the online retail market.
Here, let me demonstrate with a graph.
Seriously are you looking at that?
That tiny little spec of a line in second place?
Yeah, that’s APPLE.
The company that made the phone you are probably reading or listening to this on.
So good luck, all you SATURATION HATERS! :)
Go ahead and sell on your own website.
Or some other website.
I’m going to stick to the “saturated” Amazon. (Where all the BUYERS are ALSO saturated).
I forget what my second point was…
oh yeah
2) It doesn’t FREAKING MATTER.
Even if you didn’t want to sell on Amazon.
Let’s say you wanted to open up a botique nail salon near your house.
Or become a freaking uber driver.
I hate to break it to you again…
Freaking ALL OF IT.
There is insane competition among uber drivers.
Insane competition between beauty salons in your area.
It’s all saturated and cut-throat competitive.
So what are we to do?
Crawl up in a corner?
Pee our little pants and call home to mommy?
That’s the SOLUTION if you are taking notes. ^^^^^
There are a BILLION examples of this.
Here’s one of my favorites.
This is literally how I got my start on Amazon.
It’s been almost 4 years now.
But when I first started selling Cornhole lights the competition looked like the listing on the right.
Same colors for both lights.
White & White.
Blue & Blue.
You get it.
Literally all I did was smack myself in the head and say..
“Hmm.. I wonder if people would like to play Blue team vs Red Team?”
Or Blue team vs Pink Team?
So I put two different colored lights in the same box and BOOM.
Became the #1 best seller in 4 weeks.
And the rest is history.
Now let’s circle back.
Did it matter that..
Amazon added a MILLION sellers to the FBA platform THAT YEAR? No.
There were already 200+ people ALREADY selling Cornhole lights before I even got the idea, much less got them manufactured? No.
The other people selling them had more reviews and bigger budgets than me? No.
The ONLY thing that mattered was that I set myself apart in an important way, and people LOVED IT, so they BOUGHT IT.
So, I would challenge each and every one of you reading this today with a couple things.
A) What business idea have you been putting off because you think it’s too saturated? When are you going to man up (or woman up) and stop using that as an excuse?
B) Who in your life, if it’s not you, needs to read this? Will you share it with them?
I appreciate you all for reading this.
Sorry for the tone of voice today, I just can’t stand people asking if it’s “saturated.” It makes NO SENSE and those people are unlikely to be successful at anything they do in life.
Want to know what’s the MOST SATURATED thing in LIFE?
This might rub some of you the wrong way but I don’t really care.
That shit is SUPER popular.
Super “saturated”.
Hell, literally EVERYONE is doing it….
I guess the choice is yours from here.
See you subscribers tomorrow. If you aren’t subscribed, see you next week.
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