Open this if you’re sick of “keeping up with the Joneses….” and just want to be happy…
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Ever feel jealous?
Ever compare yourself to other people?
Be honest.
Of course you do, we all do it.
I heard this tip on a podcast the other day and I can’t remember which one for the life of me, but it has REALLY helped me a massive amount.
Here’s how you can eliminate jealousy and comparison forever, okay?
I feel like there should be a drumroll or something…
It really is THAT good….
Oh well screw it..
Whenever you compare yourself to someone, you must be willing to exchange EVERY aspect of your life for theirs… NOT just the part that you are obsessing over…
Whoa. Okay. I don’t think you understand how game-changing this is yet so let me break it down.
Let’s say I’m jealous of this super rich guy that I follow on Instagram…
(this may or may not be a true story)
He sold his first company for $100 Million..
And his second company for $65 Million…
He spends his summers in Monaco, and his winters in Miami.
Man, seems incredibly amazing..
I want that Yacht!
I want the flights in the private jets!
I want the condo in Miami!
But now that I know the technique above, I analyze it deeper.
I can’t have what he has, without also having EVERYTHING ELSE that he has…
Do I really want his single life at age 40? No wife who loves me unconditionally?
Do I really want to raise his kid? Who kinda seems like a spoiled brat?
Do I really want to continue to wake up at 5am every morning to run yet ANOTHER company when I should just be retired and hanging out with my wife whom I love?
It’s incredible!!! It really does work… you should try it….
Another big hint…. it also works for THINGS you WANT but CAN’T HAVE….
Let’s talk about FOOD haha….
Man, if it’s possible to get jealous of what other people are eating, I’ve been doing a LOT of that…
Doughnuts, pastries, carbohydrates in general…
When trying to watch what I eat, I find myself obviously CRAVING the things that I can’t have….
So, I started applying this concept to food as well…
Well I definitely want that doughnut…
But do I also want to look at my stomach in the mirror?
Do I also want to feel strange taking off my shirt at the beach??
You see what I mean? It works!
You can’t have PART of something, without the WHOLE!
One more example, for you single/dating people out there…
The grass might always seem a little greener on the other side…
She/he might look great, and I’m sure you can imagine having a lot of fun with that person.
But have you considered ALL of what comes with that?
What if her parents are complete wackjobs?
Do you really want to listen to her talk about her obsession with the Kardashians?
Remember, she isn’t just a cute picture on Instagram…
She is a human being with a WHOLE LOT GOING ON that YOU KNOW NOT OF…..
And you get ALL of that if you choose to jump ship from your current situation….
Idk, I could GO ON with the examples, but I think you get the picture.
Next time you are tempted to feel jealous, or compare ANYTHING, make sure you stop yourself.
You don’t just get to pick and choose anymore.
You don’t get to…
Be jealous of that fitness model’s rippled abs without embracing his 4am wakeup schedule and obsession with broccoli.
Be jealous of that guy with the Lamborghini without considering his 2 alimony checks to his first two gold-digger wives…
Be jealous of that single person who gets to party and run around like a crazy person without considering that they probably wake up every morning feeling completely hollow and empty inside….
You’re WELCOME for this one.
I challenge each and every one of you to share this with AT LEAST 1 person.
It’s epic for your happiness levels. I’m serious. I feel amazing after learning this.
Have a great day!
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