Full disclosure.
Stealing this from a tweet that went viral.
Can’t find the tweet though. Super weird.
Anyway, this is going to really rock your world. You ready?
The thought experiment goes like this…
Imagine you can instantly become as wealthy as Warren Buffet…
However, in order to achieve that massive wealth… you also need to become his age…. right now…
Would you do it?
If not…. the question becomes… who is really wealthier???
In fact, let’s flip the question…
How much of that $87.3 Billion do you think Warren Buffet would spend to add even 10 more years to his life? 50 years?
Again, the question becomes… who is really wealthier….?
This question hit me like a ton of bricks this week.
Anyone else think that is truly profound?
Comment below and smash a like on this letter if you think so….
(oh and while I’m asking you to do stuff, try this letter out for free for 30 days by clicking the blue button)
But seriously.
I can’t shake this one, it’s way too true.
Something about human nature seems to make us forget one simple fact…
We are all going to die…
Since that is 100% true ^^
It SHOULD follow that we value our TIME above everything else…
(because it’s TRULY the only thing that money CAN’T buy…)
But do we LIVE like that is true?
I don’t know about you, but for me, the answer is, unfortunately, usually NO!
I work and work and work and strive and push, and in the process, forget to LIVE the best years of my life!
Now, I’m not saying throw away your work ethic and become some sort of hippie.
However, I do think we could ALL experience a LOT more happiness if we just truly internalized the fact that WE ARE RICHER THAN WARREN BUFFETT!
Truly, we are.
Here’s some random takeaways that I think about after I’ve really internalized that thought experiment above…
1) Scarcity is everything.
Scarce things have VALUE. Time is the most scarce of all.
2) Things that aren’t easy to create have VALUE.
You can’t create more time. Hence why it’s the most valuable “thing” in the World.
3) Humans behave irrationally, until they don’t.
Everyone knows they are going to die. It’s only when they start LIVING like that is TRUE that they truly live.
4) Those 3 concepts above apply to other things…..
Bitcoin and your own business come to mind….
Both are SCARCE. (21 million Bitcoin and ONE business that you created)
Both aren’t easy to create. (Bitcoin has a capped supply, your business SHOULD be difficult to replicate)
Humans behave irrationally towards both Bitcoin and owning a business. First, they act like there’s unlimited time to start a business, and unlimited Bitcoin in existence. Then, they realize that isn’t true, and they rush in because they know they must.
I’ll just leave it there for the day, probably better to have you reflect on this rather than blabber on about it.
Let me know in the comments if this helped you, and share it with someone else you think it would help.
(forwarding this email is perfectly fine)
Thank you!
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