Hey you!
Cool concept I’ve been thinking about lately… hear me out on this one…
It all kind of started when I was thinking about this stimulus bill (which I wrote about yesterday).
I thought of all the corruption, all the politics, all the hidden accounts in the Cayman Islands that senators have….
Contrasted with…
Forcing restaurants to shut down….
Forcing other businesses to close…
And then sending them $600 as if that is going to help…
And I thought, “How is this possible?” “Are people just evil?”
Then it clicked for me, I already knew the answer.
It comes from an unlikely source, a book you have probably never read, but a good one.
It’s called “Skin in the Game, Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life” -> https://www.amazon.com/Skin-Game-Hidden-Asymmetries-Daily/dp/042528462X
The book is quite dense and complex, but the core theme is this…
The more DISTANT decision makers are from the EFFECTS of their decisions, the WORSE decisions they make.
It makes these political misfires make SO MUCH MORE SENSE….
Obviously, these politicians never feel even an OUNCE of the effects of their decisions!
They sit tight up there on Capitol hill, and are affected 0% by a pandemic like this.
In fact, they likely BENEFIT financially from it (because they are rich and own ASSETS which we have discussed previously).
It’s the same with ANYTHING in life.
The first question you should be asking, before taking advice from anyone is, “Do they have skin in the game?”.
“If this all goes sideways or doesn’t work, will they personally be NEGATIVELY affected?”
“If not, why am I listening to their opinion?”
As we end 2020 and head into uncharted waters, I don’t think there could possibly be a more important question.
2021 may be THE PEAK of a LACK of skin in the game…
Everyone trying to TELL you what you should do…
How you should behave…
How you should FEEL about certain things…
In a World that has been forced almost entirely on the internet, TELLING is SO MUCH EASIER than DOING.
The “tellers” are going to run RAMPANT in 2021.
And the “doers” will be right there with them.
It will be difficult to distinguish who is who.
But it is worth your time and effort to find out.
My only promise to you is this.
This letter will ONLY EVER be about things in which I have a stake.
In which I have MASSIVE skin in the game.
Go back and read through all my letters.
Any “advice” in them?
Yep, I’m deeply concerned with those topics.
Because they affect me and my family deeply and I will “go down with the ship” if they go down.
In 2021 I would encourage you to get on the boat with a Captain that is willing to go down with his or her ship.
Leave the “Captain-less” boats floating away to their own destruction.
Last time I checked, yelling at the boat from the shore isn’t going to stop it from hitting an ice-berg.
See you guys tomorrow, hope you’re having an awesome week leading up to Christmas.
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