Hey everyone!
You’ve probably already seen the news, that Bitcoin BLEW threw it’s ALL-TIME HIGH price of 20k yesterday, and just kept on running….
Kind of like a bowl in a China shop… as of this writing it’s (so far) peaked around $23,700….
Pretty insane considering you could have grabbed a coin for around $4,000 as early as MARCH.
The asset is the best performing asset of the year, up over 200%….
Now, if you’ve been reading my letters, you probably already bought some and are super happy right now.
Great, that makes me happy, that’s what I’m here for.
Let me know in the comments if you were listening to me when I was telling you to buy it around 10k haha!
Anyway, this isn’t really a Bitcoin letter, or a traditional “news” outlet so I want to go a different direction with this news.
What do you do when your predictions come true? And vice versa?
I think this applies to everything in life, Bitcoin just happens to be the most prime example right now.
For instance, after having predicted this run to much higher prices (mostly just by piggybacking off much smarter people than me…)
I have two options…
1) Gloat, lay back, brag about how smart I am
2) Double down and buy more.
3) I guess there’s 3 options -> sell right here because I can’t believe my good luck.
And THEN on the other side, for those of you who missed all these gains this year and weren’t invested, you have options too!
1) Wait for it to “come back down” so you can buy some.
2) Admit you were wrong and buy some.
3) Act like the whole thing is a joke and try not to think about it.
Now I’m not going to tell you what to do, but option #2 has my personal vote for both categories of people.
What is really interesting is just the psychology of it.
Why are we SO PRONE to letting our emotions get a hold of us in situations like this?
Why would we rather be RIGHT than RICH?
I’ve personally seen it happen dozens of times the past few months…
I tell them to buy some.
They don’t.
They ask a few questions, send me the price when it slides a bit…
Then it goes up.
And goes up.
And goes up.
And then they still say “Oh it will come back down”.
It’s almost like they NEED to be RIGHT more than they want to make money.
And I guess that’s okay.
But I think today, we would all learn a lot if we just tried to analyze the fundamentals of a question instead of our PREVIOUS STANCE on the question.
Let’s switch to my other favorite topic, Amazon.
Some people I know have been putting off starting an Amazon business for 5+ YEARS!
At this point, they’ve SEEN with their own eyeballs the 1000’s of screenshots of my students who have made tens of millions if not hundreds of millions in the past few years.
It’s not really debate-able whether or not it’s still working, because I’m showing them screenshots from YESTERDAY, lol.
On top of that, CORONA HAPPENED.
And LOGICALLY, they KNOW that Amazon has WON.
It’s over.
AND, they physically KNOW the guy who can help them get it started! (me)
And they STILL don’t do it!!!
Isn’t that crazy???
Honestly, at this point, I’m trying to look at it objectively.
It’s too weird to me that people won’t shift their beliefs when proven wrong over and over and over again.
Maybe I’m a strange chicken…
But I could care less if I’m wrong.
I just want it to work.
I’ll change my mind in a split second if it makes it work.
At the end of the day, being adaptable like that is probably the #1 reason I’ve been successful.
So MAYBE (big maybe there) it IS a rare trait?
I’m not sure, let me know what you think in the comments.
But if you’re reading this and you know there’s an area of your life you’re being stubborn on?
Where you SEE it working for others but just refuse to do it because you stubbornly said NO in the past?
Life is too short.
Some of the best decisions in life come from changing your mind on something and moving in an uncomfortable direction.
See you tomorrow!
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