The Kale Letter
The Kale Letter
ACTUALLY HELPFUL takeaways from 2020.
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -8:42

Hey Everyone!

Don’t worry, we’re going to have an incredible 2021.

There will be enough people TRASHING 2020 so I’ll just let them do that.

This letter will focus on the MOST IMPORTANT things I learned in 2020 that I hope can help you have a blessed 2021. Let’s do it.

1) There is no “FREE MARKET”.

I’m not going to go into insane detail on any of these points (read my other letters if you need the deets).

But, essentially, 2020 showed that we’ve reached what I like to call PEAK FAKERY.

Even though the World was shut down, the stock market rallied to all time highs….

Even though millions lost jobs… the rich got EXTREMELY richer…

At this point, there is so much “funny money” in the system (the governments worldwide printing money) that the markets are all “fake” and constantly propped up by forces outside of the free market.

THE BIGGEST TAKEAWAY = This money printing can NEVER stop (or there will be a huge crash).

So, we must position ourselves in 2021 to take advantage of the printing press, not be buried by it.

Those that started or owned ONLINE businesses and other SCARCE ASSETS (like Bitcoin) did extremely well in 2020, and will continue to do so in 2021 as more funny money is pumped into the system.

2) The news is for losers.

Sorry, it’s true.

All I learned this year from watching the news is

1) It’s all about clickbait headlines and dividing people, not uniting them

2) Mainstream media is dying and desperate people say crazy things

3) there are much better sources of information.

Twitter, for instance (IF YOU FOLLOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE) can be a WEALTH of information.

I personally made millions of dollars this year from reading twitter and taking advice that wasn’t complete crap.

You should probably get a twitter in 2021.

Follow me, haha! ->

3) 1% of your decisions = 99% of your results.

This has been a dominant theme for me in 2020.

1% of my investments produced 99% of my returns.

1% of my marketing strategies drove the most revenue for my businesses.

1% of my videos got 99% of the overall views.

1% of these letters got listened to 99% more than the others.

You get the idea.

Look back on your 2020, I bet you see a similar pattern.

Now, how can you optimize your life and spend the majority of your energy focused ONLY on those 1% decisions for 2021?

4) Stressing out + Worry = Waste of Time

We all KNOW this deep down.

But 2020 proved it to me.

Literally NOTHING I stressed or worried about changed anything.

In fact, because the World seemed so crazy there for a while.

I started literally saying “screw it”.

Screw it -> I’m not working on this I’m going on a walk and drinking coffee.

Screw it -> I’m not dealing with that employee they can do their own thing or be gone I don’t care.

Screw it -> I’m not going to go after that “opportunity” that would take me 3 weeks to build out. I’m going to go snuggle with my wife.

And guess what.

This is the big key.

NONE of those decisions to be “lazy” or to “not worry” hurt me.

In fact, MANY of them actually benefited me by not crowding my schedule doing useless things, so that I could actually do the IMPORTANT things that came along.

It ties in with point number 3.

If only 1% of your decisions really matter, why do you constantly stress about the 99%?

Stop it in 2021 and thank me later.

5) Just because it seems crazy doesn’t mean it won’t happen. In fact, it’s probably pretty likely.

Obviously none of us thought this was possible.

Back in February? If you would have told us that the whole world would shut down like this?

Everyone wearing masks?

We wouldn’t have believed it.

But then, lo and behold, it happened.

2020 taught me that just because we haven’t seen something happen in our lifetime, it doesn’t mean it can’t happen.

In fact, the more that we underestimate something, the more likely it is to bite us in the ass.

Going into the 2020s I think there are 2 things that the World still underestimates.

1) The internet.

People think it’s everywhere. It’s huge. It’s a big thing.

(spoiler alert: it’s only 20 years old)

We’re just at the start.

I’m old enough to remember dial up internet for crying out loud.

Imagine when every device is linked directly to your brain and we all have the computing power and memory capacity of our computers?

What will that world look like?

(also, the fact that you just said “no way” to me talking about linking a computer to your brain just SHOWS how much people underestimate things that haven’t happened before)

2) Digital Money

It’s coming. So buckle up.

All currencies will be digital by 2030.

Cash is dead.

Covid buried it in the ground.

There will be money that isn’t scarce, and is government controlled, like the digital dollar.

There will also be Bitcoin.

I would do some research on both before it’s too late :)

6) Getting rich is a mindset.

Sounds dumb I know.

But if you think that making money is “hard” then you haven’t been paying attention in 2020.

10 year olds literally made fortunes trading Tesla on an app. (Robinhood)

Anyone invested in any Tech company made money.

Bitcoiners got filthy rich.

Amazon sellers sold ridiculous amounts of products and got rich in the process and built massive companies that they can later sell and get more rich.

If you think you aren’t smarter than that 10 year old.

Or that grandpa who bought 100k of bitcoin in March.

Or our students who started selling on Amazon in a pandemic…

Let me tell you this.

You’re WRONG.

No one is THAT much smarter than anyone.

We’re all the same, it’s just some people BELIEVE that they can get rich, so they do.

I saw it so much in 2020 that it’s freaking undeniable at this point.

7) This letter is awesome.


Thank you for reading it.

The letter itself might not be that awesome, but the lives that it has changed? That’s incredible.

Here’s an example of someone I’m super proud of.

Adriana works her ass off.

Honestly idk if she reads this letter, I think she does.

But she 100% APPLIES all the principles I listed above.

  • She realized there was no “free market” and instead of waiting for bailouts from the government, she started something she can control, that prints money for HER.

  • She definitely wasn’t watching a ton of NEWS while she was focused building this badass business.

  • She focused on her 1% decision (growing her Amazon biz) and ignored the 99% of noise around her.

  • She already knew that stressing out was pointless. You should hear her on her coaching calls. She’s determined, calm, and focused.

  • She knew that just because it SEEMS crazy to not know anything about Amazon and then suddenly make $22,000 a MONTH from it, that it’s actually NOT CRAZY AT ALL! In fact, the fact that people THINK that it is makes it MORE LIKELY that people like Adriana exist!

  • Getting rich is a mindset. Adriana has that mindset, and now she’s on the path to getting rich.

So, if you’ve been reading this letter in 2020.

If you’ve shared it with even 1 person.

If you’ve subscribed to get it 5x per week.

If you’ve listened to the podcast version.


Seriously, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.

YOU are the reason I get up in the morning.

I have enough money.

Money fades.

Plus it’s super easy to get.

So why stress about it.

The thing I want to focus on for 2021 is helping YOU and YOUR FAMILY do better, be better, and be wealthier.

I’ve been blessed, so I’m going to do everything I can to be a blessing to you.

Have a great New Years Eve 2020.

Raising a virtual glass to you here in Pittsburgh and saying GOOD RIDDANCE 2020!

On to bigger and better things.

See you all on Monday.


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